C GMail приплыли

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C GMail приплыли

Сообщение Karlson » 23 апр 2009, 15:56

Кто не верит, пусть сюда сходит:
http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answ ... 29#nophone


SMS account verification
How can I sign up without a mobile phone?
Will the verification message cost me anything?
How long will it take to get the message?
Will Google keep or use my phone number?
Can my phone receive text messages?
Why is my country not available in the menu?

I don't have a mobile phone, can I sign up?

If you'd like to sign up for a Gmail address, you need to have a mobile phone that has text-messaging capabilities.
If you don't have a phone, you may want to ask a friend if you can use his or her number to receive a code. Also, if you know someone who already has a Gmail address, you can ask them to email an invitation to you.

One of the reasons we're offering this new way to sign up for Gmail is to help protect our users and combat abuse. Spam and abuse protection are two things we take very seriously, and our users have been very happy with the small amount of spam they've received in Gmail. We take many measures to ensure that spammers have a difficult time sending their spam messages, getting these messages delivered, or even obtaining a Gmail address (spammers will often use many different addresses to send spam). Sending invitation codes to mobile phones is one way to address this, as the number of addresses created per phone number can be limited.
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Зарегистрирован: 24 апр 2011, 18:46

Re: C GMail приплыли

Сообщение sas » 13 май 2012, 14:31

как вариант "каким-то способом" перехватывать чужие смс :)

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Re: C GMail приплыли

Сообщение bigfozzy » 14 май 2012, 14:55

есть много вариантов, по гмайлу для своих целей регать получалось совсем недавно, просто они там постоянно чудят с авторизацией - скрипты часто переделывать приходиться ...

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Зарегистрирован: 31 мар 2010, 23:44

Re: C GMail приплыли

Сообщение satih » 21 май 2012, 04:35

некропостинг? :)
все окей с гмайлом, хотя их смс-ы пару лет назад внедренные сильно осложнили регу, но юзайте нормальные соксы + пишите нормальный код, регаются. конечно не так просто как хотмеил и яху, но все же задача решимая.
